Sunday, October 28, 2012

Spook House Online Book Tour: Review of Spook House by Michael West

Spook House by Michael West
Brought to the blog thanks to Seventh Star Press!

Tour Dates October 25-November 27

10/25 Great Minds Think Aloud - Review

10/26 Bookishly Me - Review

10/27 Red Headed Bookworm -Excerpt

10/30 Reading Aways the Days -Interview/Giveaway

10/31 Ginger Nuts of Horror - Review

11/1   WTF Are You Reading? - Review

11/2   Darlenes Book Nook - Guest Post

11/3    JeanzBookReadNReview - Excerpt

11/4   The Independent Review - Review

11/5   Fictional Candy - Character Post

11/6   Book Den - Review

11/7   Vilutheril Reviews - Excerpt

11/8   Beauty in Ruins - Review

11/9   Beagle Book Space - Review

11/10 Bunny’s Review - Review

11/11 Splash of Our Worlds - Review

11/12 A Book Vacation -Guest Post

11/14 Crossroads Reviews - Review

11/15 Bee’s Knees Reviews - Review

11/17 Sheila Deeth - Review

11/20 I Smell Sheep - Review

11/21 Ali’s Bookshelf - Excerpt

11/22 Full Moon Bites - Excerpt

11/23 The Cabin Goddess - Review

11/24 Stuck in Books - Guest Post

11/26 The Rabid Fox  - Review/Interview

11/27 Jess Resides Here - Excerpt

There are some places in this world that go far beyond any normal definition of “haunted.” These places are so evil, so diabolical, that they become gateways to Hell itself. The Fuller Farm is one such place.

It is said that old man Fuller conducted unspeakable acts, blood rituals and human sacrifices, all in an attempt to gain the ultimate knowledge, the ultimate power. And then, he was killed–horribly murdered on his own lands, leaving the house to stand as a vacant monument to his wickedness. But once a door is opened, it can never really be closed.

Now, the stars are right. The gateway is ready to once more unleash unspeakable horror upon the town of Harmony, Indiana. And this will be one Halloween that they will never forget!

Recommended: Yes, do check out!


About Spook House
                                                  Recommended Ages: 15 and Up
                                                            E-book: 292 pgs.
                             PublishedOctober 17th 2012 by Seventh Star Press

                 For This Review: *E-book Copy Provided through Book Tour by Seventh Star Press*
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With Halloween so very close at hand this year thought that signing up for a Online Book Tour for Spook House by Michael West would be a rather good idea.  Spook House turned out to be what would think of as a cult classic. We actually get some scary monsters and we are introduced into some fun characters-that make you laugh and you'd just love to know more!

Artwork by Matthew Perry

Our story with Spook House begins with a couple, Jeff and Sheri, who decide to take a look at Harmony, Indiana's own haunted house or spook house. Jeff goes inside but not Sheri out of being fearful of the house. Jeff inside the spook house unlocks some monsters who soon set out to try to get to Sheri but luckily she manages to survive.

Yet, now she knows what is out in the dark of Harmony, Indiana.

Spook House has such a good start from the beginning. We are drawn into the story that is to unfold since right off we are introduced to some terrifying monsters! And they very much are. Although, what makes this an amazing read is the mystery and interpersonal relationships between the characters. 

Michael West have to say is a true Horror writer. He builds immense suffocating suspense and terror in his book, Spook House, which is something you want in a Horror book.

As a frequent book blogger (meaning read maybe 3 books in 4 days-about a week- which then review) have no doubt Spook House will be a hit with readers. It's sure to have its following.
Overall: Amazing read!
Genre: Horror, Mystery & Suspense

About the Author

Michael West is the critically-acclaimed author of The Wide Game, Cinema of Shadows, Skull Full of Kisses, and The Legacy of the Gods series. He lives and works in the Indianapolis area with his wife, their two children, their bird, Rodan, their turtle, Gamera, and their dog, King Seesar.

Every Halloween, he turns his garage into a haunted house.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from a Seventh Star Press author as part of a virtual book tour. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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