Thursday, April 28, 2016

[Veteran Book Blogger Tips] Increase Your Blog Traffic Organically

It is time for celebration of me pulling this off. I have managed to blog for about 5 years on here. Sure I took a break but since then I have been back and I'm continuing on. Chugging along even if in a snail's pace. 

Even so as I alluded to before, the book blogging world has changed. A lot of the book bloggers that I had known in 2011 and 2012 are gone and recently I have taken note of these never before seen book blogs and book bloggers popping up. Many of them ones who only just begun.

And while I would love to see them struggle on their own (hey everything in life requires you work for it). I think I would rather help since we're all going to the same place book blogging-wise so why not do it all together?

Here are tips I have personally used to drive traffic:

1. Be active on social media: For book bloggers in particular I suggest Twitter. You can talk about your favorite books on there, share quotes from books that resonate with you, and even upload photos right on there.

2. Host blog giveaways: Giveaways draw people and those people can become readers. Sure you may believe some won't stick around but that is pessimistic thinking. Some of them but not all may stay and continue checking out your blog. Thereby becoming faithful readers to your blog.

3. Join a giveaway blog hop: Alone a blog giveaway can drive traffic but when you join one in a circuit tied with other bloggers and blogs this brings a greater influx of individuals and potential readers.
Hosted by Shannon at It Starts at Midnight

4. Visit, read, and comment on other people's blogs: Bloggers believe if they write people will come. That is wrong. You need to get out there and interact too. That way people know you exist in the blogging world.

Best of all since you're going out of your way to comment. Feel free to leave a way for others to follow you back to your own blog. In the old days, this might have looked like you were pushing yourself on bloggers but I think now bloggers realize this is necessary and totally acceptable blogging etiquette. Mainly because it makes it easier for us to come across new blogs.

5. Share, share, and share: Your post on social media several times a day and several times a week. Think about it. At certain points in time people may not have taken notice of your post that was shared on social media so it makes sense to remind them.

6. Participate in Online Blog Tours: The traffic from this could introduce authors to your blog, other bloggers, and or readers. All a win-win.

7. Offer to guest post at another blog. Don't know what this is? Read this.

8. Write controversial pieces that fit with your views. If you ever do this make sure it is authentic to you. Other than that I do suggest doing it because people who disagree with you will be incited to comment at you. Here is an example from over on my anime blog.

9. Link off site but relevant blogs or websites to your blog: If you do this other bloggers will look into your blog and if that happens you can be sure other potential readers may come.

10. Diversify your content: I think this is majorly important. In my opinion, if you can get this right you can probably bring more readers to you. Diversifying content means you can pull from all your existing knowledge to touch different sectors from books to movies thereby getting more pools of possible readership. All this will depend on your level of knowledge when it comes to Pop Culture. 

About the blogger

A blogger at Book & Movie Dimension a Blog for years. I, Cassandra, pride myself on finding the next hottest thing in Entertainment wherever it may hide: books, movies, music, you name it. Huge reader, anime watcher, and huge appreciator of TK from Ling tosite sigure music and Ling tosite sigure music.

Follow me on Instagram: Culture.blogger

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Blog Graphics: Pictures aren't owned by me that are found on this blog. Most of them can be found via Google/Bing! images or from author press releases and are in no way used for profit. Credit goes to them entirely.

Reviews: Are not given either positively/negatively based on compensation. Reviews are entirely out of speculative opinion. Put out for readers to ultimately make their decision on a book, movie, and or product. They are honest reviews based on opinion. And ultimately I would never falsify information or exaggerate, given I do not see a benefit in doing so.

Affiliate: The blog is monetized through Amazon's Affiliate Associates Program, YesStyle's Affiliate Program, and a few other programs best seen through the blog's ads. Every little purchase you make, makes, a huge difference to me as a blogger. Buying through the blog's links gives me a small percentage of commissions. I try exceptionally hard to make the links/ads as unintrusive as possible when viewed on the blog. If they are intrusive, I, do so apologize but still hope you can enjoy the actual written reviews.