Saturday, July 17, 2021

TK from Ling tosite sigure to start a fan club and to release a Greatest Hits album called Egomaniac Feedback

With 10 years into his solo music career, TK of Japanese Rock band Ling tosite sigure has had quite the prolific years making music and is preparing to celebrate his 10th year solo music anniversary. In line with his 10th year anniversary he has announced a new greatest hits album titled Egomaniac Feedback to release October 13, 2021. The feedback a reference to his penchant for feedback in his music when he plays his electric guitar. 

More importantly, TK is planning on beginning a fan club: pre-opening August 13, main opening in October 2021. While most big music artists usually have one, TK, was rare for choosing to forego fan clubs. That has changed. While it is unknown why he would choose to start a fan club now when you take into account how long he has been making music, more if you take into account his Rock band's music this is certainly a natural progression for his music career, his popularity has grown quite a bit in the last few years, and many foreigners from Germany, France, the USA (places like Texas), England, and even places like Mexico have begun to listen to his music. 

The question remains if TK's fan club to be called Kalappo Lab will accept foreigner memberships. TK's fanbase stretches to many parts of the world and it would be invaluable for TK to focus on not only his Japanese fans but all his fans who happen to be a dedicated, passionate bunch. 

More info: TK official site

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