Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Review of Concisus (The Verita series #2) by Tracy Rozzlyn

Concisus (The Verita Series, #2)
Against all odds Brett and Ryan found their way back to the base. But it’s not quite the homecoming they envisioned. Their friends are all love struck and Dr. Brant’s seems intent on making their life miserable.

Recommended: Yes, you need to check it out!

        Recommended Ages: 15 and Up
E-book: 219 pgs
Published: March 26th 2012

For This Review: *E-book Copy Provided by Author*
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In Verita, we encountered a new planet along with Brett who found out about certain secret plots with the colonization of the new planet-Verita. Now in Concius, we get to see that actually starts taking action against the authority in her settlement. Things don't always go as planned and quite a few people get hurt. Brett soon becomes embroiled in many problems and finally finds that maybe stopping secret plots from occuring like say-people in high offices from programming sleeping pods to give people specific romantic partners- is no easy task. Doesn't help things with people turning on her like Chad Lambert or better known as Dr. Lambert and Ryan.

Again Tracy much like in Verita engages and moves the story in her favor keeping readers attentive. The Verita series really comes along. The future seems bright for it. The Science Fiction aspect is at the ready and well-done. Very much anticipating another novel installment in The Verita series.
Overall: Amazing read!
Genre: Science Fiction 

                              About the Author
  Tracy Rozzlynn is a Science Fiction and Fantasy, Young Adult author. She lives in New England with her daughter and several pets.

Verita is her debut novel.


Tracy Rozzlynn  Connect to Tracy Rozzlyn Online:




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