Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Latest News in Gifts for Book Lovers at

About GoneReading and Gone Reading International, LLC:

GoneReading is the world’s only lifestyle brand of gifts for readers and book lovers that donates all year-end profits to fund new library construction in the developing world. GoneReading is a registered trademark of Gone Reading International, LLC.

Latest News in Gifts for Book Lovers at

In this article you will see that ,if your a book lover looking for bookish gifts/souvenirs like mugs, book lights, bags, and other book-related comforts.
Then look toward the popular mug from Austen for President mug--.
Many readers of course are aware of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
This a good one for you Jane Austen fans.

The personal favorite which is truly hilarious.
--Take Me To Your Reader mug--
Should be Take Me to your leader (implied by the alien). Nice funny joke.

"When talking with my sister at dinner a few weeks ago, the subject turned to reading. As kids, we were voracious readers. When the Scholastic Book Club newsletter came to us in our grade schools, we’d circle all the books we could, great books like Encyclopedia Brown, The Cricket in Times Square, The Phantom Tollbooth were our best friends growing up. She bought a whole set of beloved children’s books for our nieces, but sadly when she asked if they’d read the books, they told her that just didn’t have the time. Sadly, I’ve even heard stories that the Book Clubs themselves have devolved into a catalog of toys and junk for kids.
It seems like an epidemic. Kids don’t seem to read anymore. We live in a world where more than three paragraphs of text on a Web page are called too much. We’re too busy to write complete sentences, so we write things like “LOL”, “LMAO”, and “BFF”. That’s just sad. Because a great book can inspire you, can lift you up, and can broaden your world. If you look at the most successful people in the world, most of them can rattle off a list of their favorite books.
I recently got a nice email from Brad, the founder of Gone Reading International, LLC. His is an amazing organzation that fund new libraries and literacy projects around the developing world. It’s no coincidence that literacy rate is one of the statistics by which people judge whether a country is successful. There’s a cause-and-effect relationship there. It’s not that once people get rich, they can afford books. It’s quite the opposite. It’s when people fill themselves with knowledge and inspiration from authors of the past that they can build upon the things they read and achieve greater things themselves. That’s why tyrants as recent as the Nazis in the 1930s or the Communists in China’s Cultural Revolution of the 1960s destroyed books. Allowing the masses to have knowledge was just too dangerous to their grip on power."
Founder of GoneReading

Bradley Wirz
Email Information
Brad Wirz On International, LCF

That’s why Gone Reading International, founded in 2011, has pledged to donate 100% of our company’s profits to fund new reading libraries and other literacy projects in the developing world.  By purchasing our gifts for readers, you’re changing the world while treating yourself and the bibliophiles in your life to a great gift.
We donate to amazing non-profits – we call them our mission partners – such as READ Global and Ethiopia Reads, amazing organizations with proven models, long track records, and dedicated teams on the ground.  Such groups partner with local villages in the most underdeveloped parts of the world to build small libraries that profoundly effect their communities.  Our goal is to provide significant financial assistance to such organizations, allowing them to achieve greater scale and impact.
We invite you to join the GoneReading family by making a purchase of our gifts for readers, and equally important, sharing our story with the book lovers, bibliophiles and readers in your life!
Bradley S. Wirz
Founder & CEO
Gone Reading International, LLC
They have a blog- Our Blog Gone Reading 


Christina Farley said...

Excellent points. I'm a teacher and it's a battle getting the kids to read. I love that mug picture btw.

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

Thanks, for finding it of interest Christina.
I know.
Reading seems to be going downhill it seems sometimes but it truly has power.

umairmalik said...

I am a book lover and really it is a latest news today for me... I sharing this news with my few friends...

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