Sunday, September 4, 2016

Skincare Product Review: St. Ives Collagen Elastin Facial Moisturizer

In my search for a specific type of moisturizer that is sting-free and non-greasy I finally came across St. Ives' facial moisturizer. This in part a tip-off from how amazing and soothing their smooth and nourished oatmeal face scrub + mask was. 

After trying that I assumed they must release quality products in other skincare areas. I was right with the facial moisturizer. It's as gentle and soothing as say the facial scrub and mask I tried from St. Ives. 

Given I use a benzoyl peroxide cleanser to keep my face clear seeing as I am prone to breakouts this worked in a non-intrusive way. The facial lotion is creamy and has a soft herbal scent that when applied feels a bit chilly but doesn't sting. The best part is, it is dewy when applied on your face and then it settles. Throughout this whole process it is not greasy and once it has soaked in there is a light dewiness. I find that nice but what I kind of dislike is that my face has a light sheen from the St. Ives facial moisturizer but at least after a while that disappears.

It's pretty great, regardless. While the sheen present is a disadvantage I still got what I was setting out in search for: non-stinging or aggravating and non-greasy.

Disclosure on my face skin: I am one of those people who cannot wear fake jewelry on my ears because it will be toxic. It will get an allergic reaction. Furthermore, my skin breaks out a lot and a lot of the facial moisturizers that I require to keep my face from drying are not good for my sensitive skin. Many aggravate it and burn when I apply them. 

Get it on Amazon. com!

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