Director: Kazuki Akane and Kenji Yasuda
Anime News Network Overview: Fifteen years in the future, by high-level scientific power, a violent battle takes place between Lacrima, that protects humanity, and Shangri-La, that plans the annihilation of all space-time. The key to stopping Shangri-La's invasion is a mysterious object known as "the Dragon's Torque." A group known as the Dragon Cavalry is being sent through space and time to find it. In the present, twelve-year old Haruka and her friend Yuu are contemplating running away from home when they meet a member of the Dragon Cavalry named Karasu (Crow). He believes that Haruka has the Dragon's Torque and claims to be Yuu from fifteen years in the future.
A Noein: To Your Other Self Review
Noein: To Your Other Self Episode Count: 24 episodes
Noein: To Your Self is one unique science fiction anime series watch. The charater designs are rather funny-looking because they can appear almost comics-like but much more bright and colorful. The anime series is driven by alternate realities. Haruka Kaminogi the lead character is a girl that has died in many of her realities and in a present reality that diverges in the endless flow of parallel dimensions , Yuu Gotō
, a friend of has decided he wont be like the other him's and letting her die. He'll try evrything, so she survives and lives.
The animation of Noein: To Your Other Self was such a surprise from the beginning. It's a styles that greatly differs from many animes out there and would be a big plus for any anime fan. Then the story itself is a strong one and actually with Noein: To Your Other Self was first introduced to the concept of parallel: alternate realities in this anime.
See: Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku (a Book)
Overall: Amazing Watch!
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Topics: Parallel/Alternate Realities
Anime Soundtrack Side-note: The Opening Theme song is "Idea" by eufonius has to be one of the biggest melodic and most beautiful opening songs in anime out there. Really would cause you to become speechless. Wonderful!
The Ending Theme is "Yoake no Ashioto" by solua which find has a playful sound to it and almost surreal. Goes well with Noein: To Your Other Self.