Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Nine Days of Nine Naughty Novelists Interviews: Kate Davies

About Kate Davies one of the Nine Naughty Novelists

Kate Davies. From food to fiction, Kate likes things spicy. She writes award-winning contemporary romance for Samhain Publishing and has books available in both e-format and print. 

Author Interview

Questions and Answers

Learn About The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies and If You Give A Duke A Duchy-Review of  The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf BabiesReview of If You Give A Duke Duchy

1. Kate how old were you guys when you gathered to write the first book under the writing collective the Nine Naughty Novelists? What was it like then?
How old were we? Uh, lemme think. I can barely remember my own age, let alone the other Naughties. *counts on fingers and toes* We started the group six years ago, and wrote the books together a few years after that, so...early forties for me? As for what it was like, writing the books was incredibly fun. There was lots of laughter involved. And wine. Always wine.

2. A bit of a serious inquisitive question but who are the ones who usually come up with the most ideas for your story concepts for stuff written under the Nine Naughty Novelists?
We brainstorm really well as a group.
That's what I loved about working on the co-written books - we built off each other's ideas to make something better than the sum of its parts. I remember opening the shared file and just doubling over laughing as I read what the previous Naughty had come up with. And then I felt challenged to make my chapter(s) even better.

3. What is the best part of being one with the Naughties?
They're some of my very favorite people in the world, and I know we'd all do anything for each other. All the writing stuff aside, I know I can always count on them.

4. Would you consider doing more work with the others again and for readers?
Absolutely, without question.

5. What are your current writing releases and what are you currently working on?
Currently, I'm working on two projects. One is a winery-set series with PG and Kelly, and the other is a sooper sekrit project I can't talk about for a few more weeks. I'm really excited about both of them!
(that answer may need to be tweaked, depending on the responses to me on FB.)

That was Kate Davies, everyone! Check out her writing in The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies or her other works on her website.

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