Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Nine Days of Nine Naughty Novelists Interviews: Juniper Bell

About Juniper Bell one of the Nine Naughty Novelists

Juniper Bell is a multi-published author of erotic romance. She lives with her husband in a cabin in Alaska with no running water and a spectacular view of glaciers. 

Author Interview

Questions and Answers

Learn About The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies and If You Give A Duke A Duchy-Review of  The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf BabiesReview of If You Give A Duke Duchy
1. What was it like when you guys all gathered to become a writing group? Tell us of that time. 
I’m actually the one person who can’t answer this question because I was invited into the group after someone dropped out. So I missed all the long intensive discussions over things like the look and the name and the icons and so forth. When I joined, the group was in the midst of our first joint writing project, The Zillionaire Cowboy’s Secret Werewolf Baby, so I had to jump right in and hope I didn’t make a fool of myself! I shouldn’t have worried – the whole idea was to be as off-the-wall as possible and it was a blast.  

2. What is perhaps the single most interesting thing about being part of a writing collective? 
The best thing is always having a group you can turn to for advice or support. Even when we’re not as active as a group writing-wise, we’re always communicating. In this business, you have to have a support network or you’ll get overwhelmed. The Nine Naughty Novelists have been a lifesaver. Or at least a sanity-saver.  

3. Anything interesting that has happened this year that has amazed you? 
I’m continually amazed to be part of this romance writing world. I love seeing my NNN friends hit the bestseller lists and get contracts with the big publishers. It seems to prove that if you just keep writing and working, good things will happen. 

4. Maybe very direct here, but do you guys plan to write another book under the Nine Naughty Novelists and soon, perhaps? 
We toss around ideas occasionally, and you never know, maybe one of them will take off. These days, we seem to be collaborating on a smaller scale, with just two or three of us at a time. Erin Nicholas and I, under my other writing name, are working on a project together. It’s a little less cumbersome that way, though the chaotic craziness of the big group projects is awfully fun!  

5. What are your current writing projects, Juniper. Anything new or soon to release? 
At the moment I’m focusing on my other writing name, which is Jennifer Bernard. I don’t have anything in the works for Juniper right now, though you never know when that could change. As Jennifer Bernard, I have a book out on December 29. CAUGHT BY YOU is a sexy, fun contemporary about a baseball team in Texas. 
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