Friday, August 12, 2011

The Liebster Blog Award

A Few days ago I was given an award by Alexis L of YA Books: Beyond the Cover. The  Liebster Blog Award. Really glad. Love it. Thanks! Now to claim it, I've to just do a few things. Well, five but really easy.
The award is for new up and coming blogs that are unique with less than 200 followers.

These are the rules to accept the blog award:Liebstar Blog Award

1. Thank the giver and link back to their blog giving them credit:
    Follow them.

2. Leave your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog Have to have less than 200 Followers:
         1. AparajitaBasu @ Le' Grande Codex
         2. Renu @  The Page Turner 
         3.  Tanya and Laura @ The Revolving Bookcase 
        4. Pixie @ The Bookaholic  
         5. Nicole @ Pink Owl Reviews 
Love these blogs. All have unique layouts and backgrounds or have cool different titles in books I've never seen but will like to read.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog if I picked you.

4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to the other bloggers.

5. Most of all: support each other and have lots of fun!


aparajita said...


Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

Your welcome Aparajita!

Unknown said...

Hey! Thank you so much for the award! I've already won this one recently so I won't be redoing the post with nominations again, but I still want to thank you so much for thinking of me. :)

I hope you're having a lovely weekend!


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Blog Graphics: Pictures aren't owned by me that are found on this blog. Most of them can be found via Google/Bing! images or from author press releases and are in no way used for profit. Credit goes to them entirely.

Reviews: Are not given either positively/negatively based on compensation. Reviews are entirely out of speculative opinion. Put out for readers to ultimately make their decision on a book, movie, and or product. They are honest reviews based on opinion. And ultimately I would never falsify information or exaggerate, given I do not see a benefit in doing so.

Affiliate: The blog is monetized through Amazon's Affiliate Associates Program, YesStyle's Affiliate Program, and a few other programs best seen through the blog's ads. Every little purchase you make, makes, a huge difference to me as a blogger. Buying through the blog's links gives me a small percentage of commissions. I try exceptionally hard to make the links/ads as unintrusive as possible when viewed on the blog. If they are intrusive, I, do so apologize but still hope you can enjoy the actual written reviews.